Sugar ParadeCheekanRama on DeviantArt

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CheekanRama's avatar

Sugar Parade



     Okay, I think this may be the earliest fan art for a movie (That hasn't even come out yet!) that I've ever done! Like holy shit, it's release date is Halloween!!??? But I'm a huge sucker for sugar skulls and any thing related to Day of the Dead so dammit they got me! :iconangerplz:

   Ughhhh I just can't wait for this movie though! El Tigre was fucking awesome and the fact that the same artists are doing this film is just a tease!~

 And I've just noticed this has been the first time in a loooong time that I've done actual fan art for I like it.

La Muerte belongs to The Book of Life
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1222x1973px 1.55 MB
© 2014 - 2025 CheekanRama
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EmilieSushi's avatar
Hello there! I first wanted to tell you that this drawing is just adorable. <3
But sadly I came here to warn you about someone who submitted your drawing into their gallery and don't give you any credit. You can find it here;…