Starting PointCharmingPhotography on DeviantArt

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CharmingPhotography's avatar

Starting Point



Well.. this is the view that awaited me just as I got out of the car. Its the beginning of the hike up Moel Siabod. Despite having missed the actual sunrise there was still a slight glow in the air and although it was a bit chilly I knew it would be a nice day.

At that point it was around 7am and I was rearing to go. Reading the instructions of the hike which I downloaded from the net I knew that my first bit of hike would lead me through a wooded area. So off I went.

BTW - This image is dedicated to :iconjonnygoodboy: Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement xx
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800x567px 112.39 KB
© 2011 - 2025 CharmingPhotography
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Earth-Hart's avatar
Looks like you started from Capel Curig. Did you finish at the PYG, Pen-y-Gwryd & have a pint? :ahoy: