Charmednight's avatar


Im in a lot of fandoms XD
215 Watchers
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Deviation Spotlight

Rainbow dipped bear donut by Charmednight, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Sahara by Charmednight, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Hotdog by Charmednight, visual art

Helios: Is there a cactus where your heart should be? Adonai: What’s up your ass this morning! Galaxos: *walks in* ...Hey. Adonai: Hmm… nevermind. Helios: WAIT NO! XDDDD Eon: Hell! I can't do this stupid math! Hell: What’s the math problem? Eon: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don’t multiply. Galaxos, covering Duncan's ears, while Hell smacks Eon upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth. Duncan: There's no meeting today because Neo is at the police station. Galaxos: They're in jail?! Hell: We have to get them out! Zion: Jailbreak! I'm in! Hell: I'll dress up and distract the guard! Zion: Ooh, I'll bake some food to help distract ALL the guards! Galaxos: I guess I could bring my frying pan in case we need a shield to keep us from being shot- Duncan: No! Neo wasn't arrested! They're undercover, taking the system down from the inside. They don't need our help! Zion: Why are you burning our marriage certificate!? Duncan:
Calix: I’ve done a lot of dumb stuff. Neo: I witnessed the dumb stuff. Hell: I recorded the dumb stuff. Actaeon: I joined you in the dumb stuff. Aadie: I TRIED TO STOP YOU FROM DOING THE DUMB STUFF! Calix: F*** THE CHAIR. PARDON ME FOR MAKING MYSELF COMFORTABLE DURING A SINCERE HEART-TO-HEART DISCUSSION WITH A DEAR FRIEND IN NEED! Calix: BUT THE TIME HAS COME FOR ME TO CEASE STRADDLING THIS DEEPLY OFFENSIVE PIECE OF FURNITURE! AWAY WITH YE, FOUR-LEGGED TEMPTRESS! DISTRACT US NO MORE WITH THE MOST BASIC AND UTILITARIAN FORM OF COMFORT YOU SUPPLY! Neo: Calix just threw a tantrum about a chair. Neo: I just won Calix Tantrum Bingo. Khan : Hey guys! I drew everyone's soul! Calix: Why is Eon's a monster? Eon: Khan , you forgot Calix's! It's only an empty space! Khan , proudly: Exactly Actaeon, about Eon and Hell: My god, would you two just get a room already? Hell: Excuse me, Actaeon? Actaeon: You both just keep agreeing about horrifying things and relishing
@Charmednight I felt bored so I thought I would play around with the incorrect quotes generator and put some of our OCs in. ^^ Eternal: You're alive. Eon: There's no need to sound so disappointed. Tamara: *Gasp* Hell: wHAT?? Tamara: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Hell: *inhales* Eternal, in another room with Adelaida: Why can I hear screeching? Eternal, Eon & Adelaida: *screaming* Tamara: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Adelaida?! Eternal: Wait, why are you asking Adelaida that when Eon and I are also here? Tamara: Because Adelaida wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance. Aadi, watching Eon and Eternal fight: Are you sure they should be fighting? What if they get hurt? Hell, not bothered by the chaos: It’s fine. They’re too evenly matched to hurt each other. Aadi: Then... who’s the strongest out of you three? Eon: Hell. Eternal: Hell. Hell: Me. Noelle: Who's in charge here? Eon, shrugging: Usually
I put some names of my and @Charmednight OCs into a random quotes generator. Helios: Neo! What did I tell you about lying? Neo, looking down: ...That it only works on Eon. Eon: I think I'm falling for you. Galaxos: Then get up. Eon: Look guys, I need help. Adelaida: Love help? Cosmos: Financial help? Neo: Emotional help? Hell: Help moving a body? *Everybody looks at Hell* Hell: What? Neo: Why does Nightmare always do the laundry so loudly? Adelaida: So, everyone knows that no one helps them out in the house. Nightmare, in the distance: *slams the washing machine shut* Eternal: How would you like your coffee? Merek: As dark as my soul. Eternal: Got it, one cup of milk coming right up! Eon: Oh, so when crows remember people who wronged them and hold grudges, it's “intelligent” and “really cool”. Eon: But when I do it, I’m “petty” and “need to let it go”. Galaxos: Die. Eon: Please don't die! Galaxos: DIE! Eon: PLEASE DON'T DIE! Neo: Why are they yelling at a plant? Duncan
Just something I came up with regarding the rps from me & @Charmednight Baby Helios: crawling or waddling after a butterfly right towards something dangerous (e.g the edge of a cliff). Suddenly a bunch of pretty flowers appear (Ade) luring the pup away from danger.

Deviation Spotlight

Aurora's Wand by Charmednight, visual art

Deviation Spotlight

Zia by Charmednight, visual art

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
All Out With Pride: You participated in LGBTQ+ Pride Month!
How to Draw a Snowflake: You participated in the tutorial!
Winter WonderLAD: You made a winter masterpiece!
National Rose Month 2023: You participated in the tutorial!
How to Draw a Snow Leopard: You participated in the tutorial!
My Bio

Hi, I'm Charmednight and welcome to my page. :D

I’m a traditional mixed with digital artist. I make OCs from various different fandoms along with along with fanart. I also have a Redbubble shop where I post non random or OC related works.

 Aside from drawing I also do a lot of various crafts including making jewelry and figures out of air dry clay. I’ve also been trying out shrink plastic and researching soap making recently.

Keep in mind I do have autism, so sometimes I don't always understand what is being  said to me especially through text which can. To try and avoid this be as clear as possible with me, no subtext, no sarcasm, no being subtle just be clear with what you need to say.

Also the cartoon screenshots in my scraps folder  (example my silverwing screenshots) in my scraps are free to use as you please, I do not own them so there is no need to ask just go nuts.


1) Never use my art or photography without asking me first

2) Feel free to draw my characters as long as you credit me but no NSFW (at least without asking me first)

3) Please don't include my characters in your stories without asking me


1) Don't control my characters if we are role playing together without asking

2) Don't use my characters in Role plays I'm not included in


1) Don't ask me to look at your stuff. I will decided what I look at, comment on etc

2) Don't be rude to me or my art, if you don't my stuff just go look at something you like instead

3)I'm okay with you using characters we share/created together (example if our OCs have a kid/kids together) since they do technically belong to both us. (Unless discussed otherwise)

Favourite Visual Artist
A lot
Favourite Movies
A lot
Favourite TV Shows
Silverwing, Star vs the forces of evil, MLP Fim, Steven Universe, Tales of Arcadia series, Dragonball, Inuyasha, Hanyo no yashahime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I just listen to random music, I don’t listen to any specific kind or band
Favourite Books
Silverwing Series, Riley Boom series, Greek mythology books
Favourite Games
Minecraft, The sims 4, Super Mario 3D world, Supermario galaxy, Pokemon shield, Pokemon snap
Favourite Gaming Platform
3D DS, Xbox one, Switch
Tools of the Trade
pencil, paper, laptop, firealpaca, air dry clay

Post Spotlight

Silverwing Screenshot guide by Charmednight, journal

Draven after being turned into an orb: At least I will finally be free of Magnus in this form Magnus: suddenly appears in the form of a monster Draven: terrified flashing/blinking alt The other gods: So who wants to watch orb Draven first? Magnus: I can 😈 Draven; 😨 flashing
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One random moment inspired by an rp and one of me forgetting my own ocs powers XD Eon belongs to Eon: digs a hole Adelaida: Well that’s rude Me: *being sure Ignitaus has some ability to control earth/the dirt because of him being a god of death) Ignitaus: In fact does not have that power but does have the ability to turn invisible and of possession Me: Oh god dammit bonus Ignitaus: Man I wish we had a way to spy on this guy without being spotted The other gods. slowly look over to him Ignitaus: What? alt Ignitaus: Oh right turns invisible Zero: Did he forget he could do that? Avita: Looks like it For the record even if it’s not in his bio yet let’s just say he can control dirt now lol
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Decided to try out one the have a science baby option with my sim Damon who is an unexpected twin and who’s twin had an unexpected set of twins thinking there’s no way it would happen with him to.. *he has a set of twins* Me: 😧
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GhostAlleyCat's avatar

Can you please join my Draw My Romantic Couple: Shen Du and Lian Nichang Contest?

xXTheAngelsScribeXx's avatar

Thanks for favoriting my new chapter!

BellaBridjon's avatar

Thank you for the fav! If you'd like to stay up to date on my latest creations, please consider watching me! ♡♡♡

Three Decades of Light
TheTie-DyeJedi's avatar

Thank you for the favorite!

Charmednight's avatar

Your welcome!

Thanks for the faves to :D

TheTie-DyeJedi's avatar