Hey People, Joey Thorpe Here
I absolutely am OBSESSED with pokemon, and nintendo in general
I am most likely listening to Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Guns n Roses, orLinkin Park at this very second in time that you are reading this. :3
I'm very friendly, absolutely LOVE drawing, and am honest 100% of the time, sometimes thats good, sometimes thats bad >.>
Also, I am Still in need of a tablet, working on that one, all this is done by mouse or hand :3
I will always take a requeat for art, and that request comes at no charge
Thats right, no paying for commisions over here, that means FREE PICTURES! FREE I SAY! So ASK FOR IT YOU IDIOTS :3
Thank you~
Current Residence: In the mirror, guarding the land of the shadows.
Favourite genre of music: Rock/Metal
Favourite style of art: I really like Messy, grungy, or macarbe art. Or on the other side of the spectrum, I can enjoy Anime styled art as well, so long as its done right ( lol I suck at both)
Operating System: Windows 7.
Wallpaper of choice: Something with a pokemon on it
Favourite cartoon character: Charmander
Personal Quote: When life gives you lemons, eat them, you need more fruit in your diet.