Lilith-Desert Sun WIPcharligal on DeviantArt

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charligal's avatar

Lilith-Desert Sun WIP



Lilith of Aeon Chronicles. Just threw in a quick background to see what she would look like against it. Ill add more detail to it soon to try and finish it off.
Image size
2000x1414px 715.14 KB
© 2009 - 2025 charligal
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WhiteHowler7's avatar
:star::star::star::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star::star: Vision
:star::star::star-half::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Impact

So I've actually seen the piece from Rod that started you out with this color scheme, but I think it might be a better idea for you to go more high noon with it. that just means brighter sky, less red rocks.

one thing you've got to kep in mind when you give it a full go at the background is the rocks, right now they're quickly sketched and thats cool, but you gotta make sure they dont come across soft in the final version. that means hard edged brush, not soft one. one thing that helps me with rocks is using the brush shape changer in brush settings to bring the dots together so the brush is flatter and becomes more of an oval or palette knife shape. some texture wont hurt when you're done too.

for the character, one thing i notice about your work is it also appears very soft all around, you should experiment with some sharper edges as well as cast shadows.