MYO Ghosties || open!

5 min read

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CHARIKO's avatar

The myo shop is currently open, check out the TH bulletin if you'd like to purchase one!
Claim a slot here:…

MYO events will be held in February, May and September from now on!

Species info:   Closed species GHOSTIES info sheet by CHARIKO Ghostie trait guide / 2022 by CHARIKO
Adoptable TOS: Adoptable TOS


Bullet; PinkTier 1: 17€/ 2000 Points
Only common traits are allowed.
Bullet; PinkTier 2: 20€ / 2300 Points
Only common & un-common traits are allowed.
Bullet; PinkTier 3: 25€ / 2800 Points
Only common, un-common & rare traits are allowed.
Bullet; PinkTier 4: 30€ / 3300 Points
All traits are allowed.

Please write down if you'd like to pay through paypal or points!


If paying in points, DO NOT send them over with the 'gift' option. I have widgets on the bottom of my page that you should use.
Only pay if I told you, you can.

You gave 48h to pay, or your slot will get invalid.
After the payment has been sent, can you start designing!


You can ask/commission someone to design your Ghostie with your slot. Make sure to to credit them when submitting the MYO for approval!
A MYO slot can not be upgraded to a higher rarity.
Feel free to show us the sketch if you are unsure about traits (note Ghastly-Ghosties)! You have to show us the finished design so that we can approve your Ghostie.
Once they are official, I will add them to the Masterlist, GHOSTIE-DATABASE !
Full credits will be given, I will give it a watermark and it will not be in high resolution.


Bullet; PinkTrading MYO slots is allowed, make sure to update the MYO tracker afterwards.
Bullet; PinkObey the species guide when it comes to traits.
Bullet; PinkYou must send the finished design to Ghastly-Ghosties in a note for approval, fill out this form:

Link to your MYO tracker slot: (click on the timestamp of your slot comment and copy the URL, MYO tracker: Ghostie MYO slot tracker)
Rarity tier:
Traits: (such as super rare pattern, rare colours, uncommon ears, and so on)

Bullet; PinkYour ghostie can look however you want! 
Racist and offensive designs will not be tolerated. If you will be doing so, will you be blacklisted and blocked.
Bullet; PinkYou own the full right for the design, but they are not for commercial use.
Bullet; PinkYou are allowed to turn an already existing OC into a Ghostie.
Bullet; PinkYou may resell your MYO slot for the exact same price you bought it for.
Bullet; PinkYou may sell your MYO Ghostie for the MYO slot price. 
If you have commissioned artwork, you may add more.
There is no time limit on finishing your ghostie! So there is no need to rush!
By buying a MYO slot, you are agreeing to it that I will upload your approved Ghostie to the Ghostie masterlist, GHOSTIE-DATABASE. (with a watermark and low resolution)

© 2016 - 2025 CHARIKO

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anonymous's avatar
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abrick1029's avatar

Hello! I was wondering if this is open for purchases?