Hi! I'm Richard and would like to start a career in digital drawings especially in drawing comics and comic covers. I thank you for visiting or taking time and interest in my work during your visit here on my site. I'm definitely open for commissions since we are all stuck at home during this Covid-19 season so look me up if you have anything in your mind.
I do right off the bat would like to tell you I will be reviewing your work request first before I accept the commission as I have rules I follow fervently like I do not commend drawing too much violence, gore, nsfw pics, or any pics that offend ones religion, sex you get the picture.
I believe we should set and be a great example to the younger audience who follows and like our works because the characters we draw or create weather good or bad influences them in a big way. Anyways thanks again for dropping by and God Bless!
Sincerely Yours, Richard Baron Reyes
Follow me on Facebook: www.facebook.com/richardbaron.…
Follow me on Twitter: twitter.com/ChardReyes77