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The first battle between Zero and Nightmare Moon was not what Zero expected as he didn’t expect Nightmare Moon to be an actual goddess, as Nightmare Moon was about to launch the final blow to Zero via a magic blast someone defended him much to his surprise it was the reploid he loved Iris though she looked stronger, holding a blade pinkish purple blade in her hand called the Fairy Moon Saber, and she was creating a creature. This was Iris alright, but she was the mother elf also after Zero purified her after she wanted to help him but by the time she could, it was too late Zero died sacrificing his life to stop Dr. Weil that was when the fragmentation arrived and she and Ciel also were sent to what is known as the CPU verse seeing Zero fighting Nightmare moon caused Iris to defend the reploid she loved, unfortunately, Nightmare moon got away before they could help heal her.
The first battle between Zero and Nightmare Moon was not what Zero expected as he didn’t expect Nightmare Moon to be an actual goddess, as Nightmare Moon was about to launch the final blow to Zero via a magic blast someone defended him much to his surprise it was the reploid he loved Iris though she looked stronger, holding a blade pinkish purple blade in her hand called the Fairy Moon Saber, and she was creating a creature. This was Iris alright, but she was the mother elf also after Zero purified her after she wanted to help him but by the time she could, it was too late Zero died sacrificing his life to stop Dr. Weil that was when the fragmentation arrived and she and Ciel also were sent to what is known as the CPU verse seeing Zero fighting Nightmare moon caused Iris to defend the reploid she loved, unfortunately, Nightmare moon got away before they could help heal her.
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942x848px 61.62 KB
© 2023 - 2025 ChaosSonic1
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Hello there. Nice picture. Welcome to DeviantArt.