MHA Shoto Marinechaoscontrolmaster on DeviantArt

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MHA Shoto Marine



The fifth gift for Hanukkah is a submarine, and I christen it the Shoto Marine. The Shoto Marine is built by Mei and Melissa to serve as the team's main transportation for deep sea exploration as well as other undersea missions. You can see that it is based off Shoto based on the colors. It's left side is red which represents Shoto's flames, and the right side is blue which represents his ice.

The Shoto Marine can carry the about six to eight people due to how much oxygen the submarine can supply the crew inside. It has turbines on the front and back wings to allow it move around. Thanks to the advance modifications by the two supporters, the sub can withstand up to 8000 meters(26246.72 feet) beneath the waves. It has a searchlight to light up dark areas and salvaging claws to help them retrieve any objects as well. It is armed with torpedoes launchers to attack any underwater enemies. Inside it is equipped with sonar, mapping equipment, and a mini fridge.
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