IzuOcha Thank You for Everythingchaoscontrolmaster on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chaoscontrolmaster/art/IzuOcha-Thank-You-for-Everything-873745619chaoscontrolmaster

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IzuOcha Thank You for Everything



I have read the newest chapter of My Hero Academia this morning. As some of us saw, Deku had left the U.A. but not before leaving letters to all his classmates in Class 1-A telling them the truth about One for All and his reason for leaving. All of them were shocked upon learning the truth about his quirk and that All for One and Shigaraki are targeting him, including Ochaco.

I can tell Ochaco is really sad that Deku has left, especially knowing of his reason why, which is why I drew her with tears upon reading his letter to her. She is always worried about the boy she loves since Deku would always put his life on the line to protect everyone, but who will come to protect him in times of danger.

Even though Deku is distancing himself for the protection of his friends and family, I can assume that in the future his friends will go and fight with him despite what he told them.
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