.:Ref:Surround The Sea Anemone:.Chaicon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/chaicon/art/Ref-Surround-The-Sea-Anemone-1139901528Chaicon

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.:Ref:Surround The Sea Anemone:.


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Read Surround's Fill Info Here~

The last but certainly not least of the new woomy's on the block is Surround my little sea anemone baby. She is also a redesign of my other arboldrian but this time it was intentional!
She was thrown into care after being rescued from the deepsea metro. After growing old enough to leave she grabbed a place of residence as quickly as she could and proceeded to adopt both Mono and Sound as their legal guardian as those two were relentlessly bullied and she felt bad leaving them there.
She's never at home and leaves Mono to do all the chores and yet somehow Surround still brings in enough money to keep them all well fed and warm...(she's joined an illegal group of some kind and does shady business : o)

Her eyes are disgustingly fun to draw and I'm almost mad at myself for covering them up with that blind fold.
Much like the others Surrounds full info will be up on toyhouse sometime in the future!

Surround - @Chaicon

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Fosxi's avatar

An oracle-looking character doing shady business? Sounds like Alfred might hire her soon to scout a place and rob it. Also don't be mad about that blindfold, it is an amazing introduction to her character and the reveal will be even more fun considering her shady profession. Imagine fighting someone like her, she removes her blindfolds and suddenly can read your every move - blindfolded, she has more spiritual insight, but with her eyes she is ahead physically. Also goddamn I love that outfit so much, holy shit! IMMA-!!