hello, nice to meet you ~ currently inactive, I've almost forgotten this website exists (lol...) . . . . this one is beautiful ;-; -->www.mangahere.com/manga/chouka... . . . . . . previous/other account(s): ... (another) new account~
i think its really amazing if you think that all of these stories are all happening in the same world in the same time period. its so awesome.well these are the romance mangas that ive read and liked and so collected over the summer.
i think im done with reading them for now, so im sharing!! :iconohjoyplz:note: probably not all of them are romances.
my one of my fav mangaka: http://www.mangahere.com/author/TAKAGI%20Shigeyoshi and http://www.mangahere.com/author/MORIE%20Satoshi whose art styles look very alike.theres is about 170 mangas listed:-Atsu Atsu Trattoria http://www.mangareader.net/1107/atsu-atsu-trattoria.html
-Naisho no Jikan ht...
any suggestions on what to draw? ; v;i prefer anything hetalia related. no couples maybe.oh. and i was thinking to make another DA account and email for my imaginary friend...not like anyone cares. /weeps