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charles e. nevols


1 min read
Just go with the flow...Keep learning and experimenting, that is really all we can do...Listen to the criticism, but be aware from where it comes...Tastes are so very different...Choose the best subjects, work in harmony with them...Be honest, if you do not like something, state it...On the other hand, it would would be wonderful to co-evolve, subject with the object, to experiment over time without all the other constraints, time and money and space...Study the masters, master photoshop, layers upon layers!..as long as the eyes see, the ears hear, the nose smells and the tongue tastes...But above all, feel...

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2 min read
It is amazing that while Scandinavia is at -20 C, the East Coast of USA is under five feet of snow, all the flowers are out already in California.  They signal a new beginning, to the year and to the decade ahead of us, where many other indicators are negative and some even offer doomsday scenarios for the future.  Yet, out of these ashes, or even much worse ones, after WWI and WWII, mankind emerged stronger than ever. But, what will it take this time, with 9 billion people, in some cases frozen in time and thinking.  I guess, it will be education and change, broadband rather than drones, enlightenment rather than belief.  Yet, my own country cannot move, cannot change, people cannot rise over petty issues and mere economic imperatives, yet it would be wonderful if weapon factories were transformed into toy manufacturers, green energy powerhouses and military bases to colleges and universities...Imagine, all people connected via broadband! Despite all the spam and manipulation, information always trumps political ideology and religious dogma. Darwin could not be wrong completely and man should evolve further.  And what about art?  It is also in flux, just go to a Museum of Modern Art or a gallery next door.  Gone are Dadaism, Cubism, Surrealism, gone are Cartier-Bresson, Adams, Weston, Capa, etc...Possibly, we will have three dimensional manipulated photographs with movement, which are changed by the observer?  And Deviantart would become a place where you deposit a picture and it is returned altered by the observer?  Perhaps, art will become even more subjective, but now the observer will not only reflect upon its beauty (or lack thereof) but alter it physically?  Out of one piece will become many, sort of Warholian universe, exponentially increasing entropy.  Virtual art will become even more so? Or art that is not even human anymore, just a product of different algorithms and inputs, let us say, mix of Van Gogh and Picasso, Botticelli and Braque, etc?  The brave new world, hopefully in peace?

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1 min read
It has been a curious beginning, writing that is.  From the comments, I gather that I know little of the world and possibly understand myself even less.  Of the small surround that I glimpse, I make generalizations, which are inaccurate and possibly false.  My reality is a projection and I do not know the answers.  But, I love to listen and be corrected, educated and pointed in the right direction.  In this exercise, I hope for peaceful coexistence and infinite patience.  Nevertheless, I will try, and out of many attempts will come the way of understanding.  I want to know you and that part of the world that is finite.  Order will come out of chaos and at some point, some wisdom. Perhaps, maybe, we will see.  There is still time...

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2 min read
I have been in Europe for over one month,with snow,cold and little daylight, and yet, it seems all so civilized, so orderly, so mature.  Houses are insulated, public transportation works, health care is taken care of, school is free, and people sit in coffee houses and have fun.  Many languages are heard and few homeless are seen.  There is a general grumbling about war and security, the nonsense of the former and the imposition of the latter, but it seems that fighting is generally abhorred.  Why have we learned so little from WWI, WWII, possibly, because it did not really come to the US?  It seems that in many ways, the US is falling farther and farther behind and is fighting battles that are less meaningful in the long run, while losing its soul, spending its energy on things that should have been addressed a long, long time ago.  Thus, I begin 2010 with the hope that it is not too late and that we will act, not by war, but by humility and wisdom and avoid the incessant inaction to address the needs of the people.  Yes, we should put our house in order before we tell the world that they should do the same. Only by moving ourselves into the next century can we hope to survive and prosper, otherwise it is Gibbons all over again.  And now to art, hopefully it will get better as well.

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1 min read
It appears that all is light and shadow, contrast in black and white or color.  Three dimensions enhance the experience.  What remains must be pleasing to the eye or if it shocks, to the brain at some step in aging or evolution.  Personally, I find many things pleasing, from the female form to austere rocks in nature.  The audience is less inclusive, but it is needed to mirror the self, to give another dimension, to bounce off ideas and directions. I appreciate your comments, although I answer seldom.  Possibly, I should let you opine on where you want me to go, what direction to choose. Anyway, it would be interesting to observe, where perceived strengths reside, what the observer wants, but will I follow?  It is after all a new decade and much time to find the way...

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Flow by cenevols, journal

Spring by cenevols, journal

Surprise by cenevols, journal

2010 by cenevols, journal

forms by cenevols, journal