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2020 has been a "rough" year since day 1, but at least we are 1/4 closer to 2021

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Drawlloween 2019

Im going to try to make the Drawlloween Challenge this October. Im going to follow  https://twitter.com/drawlloween/status/1168021350335709186?s=20 . I'll post the drawings in here to keep it in order, I am two days behind, but I'm going to try to keep up and make 2 drawings one of these days to compensate.

You are welcome to join and post them in here..!

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New year, new thoughts, new energy... Let's try to be better each time.

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Dealing with my existencial crisis is "softer" each time... I guess that is a good thing... Gotta keep on with my goals. Keep on drawing.

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A drawing a day, keeps the fear away...

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Drawlloween 2019 is here! by Cemhta, journal