ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp

Deviation Actions
Background Image Ref: LuDa-Stock
Showname: Pendragon OPS Fluores
Stall name: Fluores
Gender: Mare
Breed: Barroco-Horse
Age: 10 Years
Height: 16hh
Phenotype: Sooty Black Flaxen Chesnut
Genotype: Ee/AA/ff/StySty
Markings: Birdcatcher Spots, Star, Snip, FL,FR,BL,BR Coronet
Eye colour: Brown
ID: #340
Discipline: TBD
Personality: Fluores is a complete doer when being ridden, she takes blunt, straight forward actions and is an utter risk taker of whom will plunge into any task before her. However, this mare hates being bathed, therefore any water isn’t really something she’s fond of. When someone is mounting, this lady will walk away, she’s got places to be and things to see, either with or without you! She will also go in the other direction of any large farming machinery. Fluores is serious about eating her grass in peace when out in the paddock, so isn’t really a fan of others interrupting her. A great mare to lead and travel, she adores to dance, most likely will find a career in high level dressage but she does like a good pop every now and then so not sure. Her favourite treats are Slaes, also known as Sloe berries or blackthorn, but she won’t eat much if it.
--------------------------------------------------------- SSS:Unknown
-------------------------------- SS:Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- SSD:Unknown
---------------Sire: Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- SDS:Unknown
-------------------------------- SD:Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- SDD:Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- DSS:Unknown
-------------------------------- DS:Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- DSD:Unknown
---------------Dam: Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- DSS:Unknown
-------------------------------- DD:Unknown
--------------------------------------------------------- DDD:Unknown
Barroco Horse: Registered
Rank: Sargento
Total Points: 35
Skills: Untrained - 0 Points
Handling: Untrained - 0 Points
Confidence: Amateur- 13 Points
Stamina: Untrained- 0 Points
Speed: Noob - 5 Points
Jumping: Untrained: 0 Points
Dressage: Amateur - 19 Points
Breeding Status: Closed
Breeding List: | Name Of Orderer | Stallion | Current Horse Owner | Foal
1 | osteophaguss | Stallion | Current Horse Owner | Foal |
2 | Name Of Orderer | Stallion | Current Horse Owner | Foal |
3 | Name Of Orderer | Stallion | Current Horse Owner | Foal |
Offspring: | Owner | Breeder | Sire | Foal |
1 | Nyghtlock | osteophaguss | 183 GV In Regards to Love | OPS Remington |
2 | TerracottaVulture | TerracottaVulture | EGE - Kashmir | Sebastian
Import Design:
Original Import Design
Competition Entries:
|| equiBREAK || Foal Training Course || Certificate ||
1. Weaning from the mother
2. First time eating hay in separate stall
3. Wearing halter
4. To be lead
5. Accepting the feel of a blanket
6. Foal inspection
1. Standing tied
2. Accepting the presence of objects
3. Being groomed for the first time
4. Walking over an uneven surface
5. Play time
Extra Artwork:
Artwork By Others:
The First Foals
Dressage Training - Commission
oh Hello - Flatwork Training - breeding image
Nap Time - Breeding image/payment
|| Template and Design by CaptainMaddi for the Barroco-Horse and osteophaguss |-
Image size
2500x1835px 4.81 MB
© 2022 - 2025 CeleanaSilvestr
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