CC: Supportccucco on DeviantArt

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CC: Support



Commission for my friend Alyson, who actually doesn't have a DeviantART and I have to send this to her the ol' fashioned way.

This isn't a candy commission or point commission, instead I offered 3 commissions to whoever (on my Tumblr) bought me a Gintama keychain collection worth ~$15.  She snagged the offer within 20 minutes :'D

SO this commission is 1 of 3, this one from Fire Emblem Awakening, of Her Unit and Chrom.  She gave me free range on what to do with the two of them so I made it sappy <3


P.S. Please don't repost.  You can instead help me out by reblogging on Tumblr here:…
:bulletblue: Art by CynicalCucco
:bulletblack: Text box is by Evergreen-Symphony .... thanks!
Image size
971x1190px 1.28 MB
© 2014 - 2025 ccucco
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