MLP/LotR - Legolas and Gimlicaycowa on DeviantArt

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MLP/LotR - Legolas and Gimli



"If I was any taller I could shit on you like a seagull. I wouldn't though. That would be unbecoming of a prince of the forest."
"I have trouble believing that."
"That I wouldn't?"
"That you're a prince."

I wanted the Elves to be just tall enough to walk right over the Dwarves. And if they have to bop them in the head to complete the trip, oh well. They'll do it too. Elves are jerks. 


Tumblr Reblog - "That Thorin said a similar thing" 
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618x800px 668.69 KB
© 2015 - 2025 caycowa
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Escritora2Aliasfox's avatar

how did I miss this?

I love this. Why didn't I find it years ago?