Hello, you can call me Catolyst. I am a 20-something gay guy and amateur artist.
My tastes tend towards hunks, bears and dilfs.
I have been drawing for about half a decade now, and unless you count youtube tutorials, I’ve never taken a single art class. I started posting my art online in order to give me the motivation to continue improving it!
I mostly post MtM human transformations, although I do occasionally make anthro MtM TFs too. My favourite types of TF are AP (age progression), MG (musclegrowth) and MC (mental change), so most of my work will include them.
I would only consider myself to be 50% a furry.
I’m autistic and really bad at talking to other people. So I apologise if I ever come off as awkward, weird or just outright forget to reply to you.
Extreme2024 may be over demanding requests. I feel like blocking him when I've got all requests that he made that I'd do for promotion. Another reason for me to block him is he keeps asking me why others blocked him. He asked me why you did.
To be honest, I can't remember why I blocked them. They probably were just too pushy with requests.
You should do more superhero suit ups! :)
Can I request?
Hi! I don't know if you've seen, but I did fanart of your character RetroGrader fighting my oc.
I really enjoy your work. :)
Thank you! 😀
Never expected to get fanart!
Hello there!
Wow, you really have talent!
Keep up the good work! I'd love to commission you at some point!