Deviation Actions
Name: Locushell (Origin: Locust + Shell)
Hopping Pokemon
Type: Bug
Ability: Swarm, Shed Skin
Hidden Ability: Speed Boost
Height: 2' 05"
Weight: 28.9 lbs
HP: 75
Atk: 70
Def: 75
Sp. Atk: 40
Sp. Def: 60
Speed: 40
Total: 360
Pokedex Entry: Being constantly cooped up in its thick shell, Locushell dreams everyday of being able to jump around once again. During this stage in Locushell's lifecycle, it focuses on storing the large amount of energy its body produces. In time, this Pokemon strengthens its defensive capabilities to one day being completely well rounded.
Locuskin ----- Lvl 21 ----- Locushell ----- Lvl 38 ----- Locustrike
EV Harden
-- Tackle
-- Defense Curl
30 Detect
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