Hello! I am Carmen Nogales, a Spanish Illustrator and recently graduated Photographer.
Be welcome to my gallery. Here you will find my illustrations, I hope you like them! I love children's illustrations, but I can also use different styles, I love to experiment with them and with materials too!!! Take a look, please
English is not my mother language, and as you can see I need to improve with it more, so please be patient with me!. Even so, you can write me in English, or even in French, if you feel more comfortable writing with this language^^.
If you are interested in my work, don't hesitate to contact me.
Thank you very much for to visit my gallery and have fun!
My about . me: about.me/carmen.nogales
My Facebook page: www.facebook.com/CarmenNogales...
My Twitter: twitter.com/CarmeNogales