iantart CarlyArtDaily
FAQ’s: Do you use all of your own material in your textures? - Yes. Every image is from my own personal gallery, unless otherwise stated.
What type of camera do you use? - Usually my Canon EOS REBEL T1i. Sometimes a waterproof Olympus X-560WP. Sometimes an old Casio Exilim point & shoot.
What do you take pictures of? - Anything & everything. Mostly the ground, or random objects zoomed in.
Can I see some of the unedited pictures you used to create textures? - Sure. Some of them are uploaded as scraps. Want to see more? Let me know, & I'll be glad to upload more.
What software do you use to create your textures? - Adobe Photoshop CS5 for Windows.
How many images should I use to create my own textures? - I normally use 4, but you can use any amount that works for you.
What blending mode should I use on my layers in Photoshop? - It all depends on the image. My favorites are Lighten, Screen, Overlay, and Hard Light. Just play around with them until you are satisfied.
You call yourself CarlyArtDaily, but you didn’t upload anything today! What gives? - Sorry, sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes I post 3-4 things a day, so it evens out.
How can I make links to other deviants, deviations, or websites? -help.deviantart.com/81/
: iconusername : (without the spaces) displays the user's avatar
: devusername : (without the spaces) displays a link a username How do I apply your textures? - Browse through my favorite tutorials & learn from the best on dA.
Are your textures considered stock images? Can I manipulate them? - Yes. And feel free to create more stock images with them, as long as credit is given.
Where should I comment to let you know I have used one of your images? - I prefer you comment with a link to your art directly under the image you have used. But a note or a comment directly on my wall works too.
Can I make Photoshop brushes out of your textures? - Of course! Just remember to give me credit.
Will you join my group? - Probably, if it's something you think I'd be interested in.
Thanks for the watch!