Growing up in Germany Carina fell in love with horses at an early age and felt inspired by their uniqueness ever since then. The fascination about their beauty and strength lead her to being an award-winning equine photographer. The young artist is well-known for her natural style of capturing the horses‘ heart instead of the plain appearance.
Through her passion Carina managed to build her own photo business as an international photographer and coach. Her photos were published in magazines, calendars and on TV around the globe. In 2016 she has been named one of the top 10 equine photographers of the world.
Hey ich wollte mal fragen ob man die Fotos auch als Referenz nutzen kann? Natürlich mit Credits etc., deine Bilder sind nämlich wunderschön und voller Inspiration!
Oh my goodness. The "Recommended for you" page is just gonna be all horses now, I've completely skewed the algorithm XD. Your photography is amazing!!!!
Hey there, I see all these amazing photos of all kind of animals and beautiful horses!!! I would love you to compete in my new competition
I would really appriteate it!!!