Gary Tweedcardlin on DeviantArt

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Gary Tweed



"Gary was a friend of Avery and Jesse's from high school who Avery revered as one of the smartest minds in town. The two often hung out and exchanged conspiracy theories with each other. Gary owned the gun shop in town, and would use the basement as an indoor range, something that would lead to his demise when he accidentally shot the boiler. Avery was convinced that it was no accident, and dedicated all his spare time to investigating as much as he could. This would lead to the creation of his own conspiratorial group disguised as a hunting association, the Pepperupper Club. Today its members work together in secret to formulate a plan to rid Povey of the criminal activity that has plagued the town for far too long."

Why create a design for a character who is canonically dead by the events of the main story you ask? Well, I just love designing characters too much not to, and I also enjoy a good challenge. The idea was to have a guy who was sort of similar in appearance to Avery, with a neurotic look and a short, unthreatening stature. I decided on having him be a ringtail, and messed around with a few conceptual designs that I wasn't too happy with. I think a lot of the earlier drafts had him look a little too young. That's still sort of the case here, but I'm happier with this. As a character, Gary's absence acts as justification for Avery's one-sided friendship with Jesse. He's so afraid of Jesse branching out because he doesn't really have anybody else. He already lost the only like-minded person he would ever meet, he doesn't want to lose his only other friend either.
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