Sundown on Galbadia's Garden - Final Fantasy 8Carancerth on DeviantArt

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Sundown on Galbadia's Garden - Final Fantasy 8



This pic is the last one of the shoot of Irvine Kinneas.
And it's a direct hommage to the game, and the cinematic introducing Irvine ;)
Yes I cannot choose beetwen the last two in the serie... ^^" one was closer to the cinematic, another has good elements to balance the picture without problems, soooooo ^^"

This pic directly refers to that reference.

Little story about this picture :
The butterfly is a real one... But it's not that big ^^"
It died at my home, I found it and decided to keep it for the shoot ^^"
I've got bigger butterflies now in my collection... Perhaps another time... xp
Even IF, I'm quite satisfied.. It probably doesn't look bad at all, there are just more nuances...
I could have even used a fake butterfly perhaps...
Hope you will enjoy ;)

Shot in April 2014
Photo by  Thibaut Shenkel

Little Edit by :iconyume-chan05:

For more Irvine : 

Irvine Kinneas from Gabaldia Garden by Carancerth Irvine, the Space Cowboy by Carancerth A Peacefull Moment- Irvine Kinneas Final Fantasy 8 by Carancerth

Sharp Eye - Irvine Kinneas - Final Fantasy VIII by Carancerth The SeeDs' sharpshooter - Irvine Kinneas cosplay by Carancerth Kinneas Wisdom - Guns and women of course ! by Carancerth

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6000x4000px 7.1 MB
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