Hello everyone! It's been quite a while since I've been active here, other than to reply to comm notes!
I am not going to bore you all with a huge story on what's gone on, so here's the short version:
I'm unwell! Specifically, I have to have my gallbladder removed. I've lost a ton of weight, I'm around 80 lbs (~36 kg) atm and I'm on a veeeery limited diet. Having lost so much weight and not having access to a reliable food source means I'm extremely exhausted just doing anything.
But! I managed to get my computer desk moved over next to my bed so that I can comfortably use my tablet from bed, which should increase my ability to crank out art again! Having 0 fat cushion and sitting in a computer chair was killing all my joints (specifically my hips and shoulders, hooboy) but now that I can recline against pillows in bed it SHOULD help me a ton!
I am also currently on (unpaid, yay USA) medical leave from work right now, so in addition to trying to get all the comms you have all been