Kovu's Pride and Joy CH.1Capricornfox on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/capricornfox/art/Kovu-s-Pride-and-Joy-CH-1-100439330Capricornfox

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Kovu's Pride and Joy CH.1


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Kovu couldn't be happier. His kingdom was flourishing, his Pride loved him, and he belonged. But what made him most happy, was spending time off from his royal duties with his family. He and Kiara had produced two beautiful cubs. A mama's boy they named Chaka, and a wild little girl they named Shani. Watching them play reminded Kovu of the day he and Kiara had met...

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I've been debating on doing this for a while, but I thought hey what the heck, wont hurt anything. My idea of Kovu and Kiara's cubs. I dont like making up names really so I used 2 names Disney had originally thought up. Chaka was going to be Kiara's twin brother, but he was cut early in production, and Shani was Kiara's 1st name before it was changed. Since they both relate to her I figured why not name her cubs those name, eh?

I made Chaka a lil mama's boy, kinda timid and shy like Kovu was when he was around Zira (except not out of fear in this case) and Shani an adventurous little one, like her grandfather Simba, and bubbly mother, Kiara. I'm really happy with how the colours came out. And I got lazy and didn't give them any shading besides the ground, but I'm REaally proud of my Pride Rock! SO that makes up for it.
Hope you all enjoy!

Kovu & Kiara © Disney
Image © Nicole Halley
Image size
700x432px 44.71 KB
© 2008 - 2025 Capricornfox
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I love their cubs so cut!😍😊