DB fightersCangDu on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cangdu/art/DB-fighters-853203468CangDu

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DB fighters



Dragon Ball recently has become one of my favorite anime. In the past, I watched a few episodes, and never give much of a thought to it, DB was not available yet in my country, I was first introduced into DBZ started in the middle of Cell Saga. I always have been a DBZ fan since I was a kid, it is what got me into drawing.

I moved to the US when I was a teen, and DB was on cartoon network, but I don't understand it since is in English. Until recently, I go all the way back to the first episode and binge through the series, I realized that DB's art is much better showing off the form and shape on its characters...I was inspires, and this is my late fan art to the classic series of Dragon Ball and all of its fans.

Painting process link youtu.be/gMSJ9Czi3dY

you can also follow me on www.instagram.com/cangd06/?hl=…
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Goku: "Shenron, can you bring him back? It's about someone very important whom we might have already known for so long. A very good friend.".

Shenron: "I see. However, that is beyond my power.".

Goku: "What?! Why?! He has already gone just once, not twice.".

Shenron: "Because, Goku, he still lives. He still lives with us. He still lives among all of us. He still lives in every person who loves him and whom he loves.".

A friend: "What is it, Goku? Is something wrong?".

Goku: "It's nothing. Thank you for being here.".

A friend: "Anytime, my friend. It has always been an honour to live and work alongside you.".

Shenron: "Is there anything else that you want to wish for?".

Goku: "Nothing, except that I wish that I could never forget about everything that he had already done for us and for everyone in this world.".

Shenron: "Very well. It is my wish as well.".

Goku: "Yes, Shenron. It is also our wish. Everyone's wish. Please grant them that kind of wish. To everyone who loves him, whom he loves, who needs him, whom he needs, who never wants to forget about everything that he has done for them and us all, and whom he never wants to forget for everything that they have done for him.".

Shenron: "Very well, my friend. This wish is granted. To everyone. For everyone.".

Goku: "Hey, buddy. Do you still want to go?".

A friend: "I am not going anywhere, Goku. I will always be with you and with everyone else who needs me, everywhere, every time, no matter what. Thank you, Goku, for being my greatest friend.".

Goku: "Thank you, my fellow greatest friend. I will never go anywhere away from you as well. I will never forget you for everything that you have already done for me and everyone in this world.".

Shenron: "Now is the time. I have to go. The dragon balls must go to every point in this world until the day when they can be used again for greater goods. Farewell, Goku, and you too, our greatest friend. We will never forget everything that you have already done for us. May we meet again in a better place.".

Goku and his friend: "Thank you, Shenron! Good Bye!".

R.I.P., Akira Toriyama. (1955–2024).

May your soul fly to new heights.