Weeping ShizuoCanadianStrawberry on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/canadianstrawberry/art/Weeping-Shizuo-180692647CanadianStrawberry

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Weeping Shizuo



Im a
WIP 'Samurai' 8D .... lol so this is what that poll was about :iconimhappyplz:

We decided to cosplay the Durarara character single artwork versions from the DVDs for Ycon at the end of October.

The Artwork: Tsugaru Shizuo
Link to Shizuo's Character Single: .... I don't even.... XD;;;; Apparently he sings about crying, a lot.... oh Enka OTL

Myself and =ultimaaa decided late Wednesday evening that we would try to complete one of our Ycon cosplays for a local photo shoot this past weekend as to get them done and out of the way.
We began patterning out the costumes on Wednesday night and did pretty much all of the sewing Friday. I spent Saturday morning before the shoot painting (blow-drying it to dry OTL) and finishing the outer piece. A huge thanks to =ultimaaa who helped me a lot with patterning and how to sew this, as it was my first attempt at any sort of traditional Japanese clothing. And to *rai-kamishiro for last minute/lack of sleep cosplay help.

This is still very much a work in progress and was used as a good test run for Ycon. I would like to do touch ups on the painting and some alterations to the garment. My sunglasses broke while we were on our way to the shoot and I didn't have time to acquire my other prop. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy some of the shots we got this weekend and look forward to the 100% completed version at Ycon!~

Heiwajima Shizuo: *CanadianStrawberry

Photo: ~yuushiron
(thanks so much for taking our photo! So glad to have proof we managed to finish these lol)

I have never had a cosplay finished more than a month before the con 0___0
Feels good man 8D

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ricotam's avatar
Cool! Great costume and nice picture!