Psychic Trial Captain AnaCallMeYukari on DeviantArt

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Psychic Trial Captain Ana



Ana is a Psychic-type trial captain who is known to be a drifter, usually travelling around the four islands on a daily basis as if she's never standing still, she usually likes to talk about psychology and how the mind could be altered into seeing things it's not supposed to see, it is unknown if she's actually a human or not. Her main Pokemon is Oricorio (Pa'u Style). 

Facts about Ana:

- Her full name is Ana Greenwich.
- She may have some relation with Faba of the Aether Foundation, both of which are Psychic users.
- Due to wandering around so much, she's usually described as a cryptid who's rarely seen.
- She enjoys dancing to classical music in broken down buildings.
- She's right behind you when you first meet her.
- Nobody knows where she is, or if she's dead or alive. 
- Who is she? We just don't know.
- Can probably read your mind or something, I don't know. 
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