Tasty IndeedCafeComPoneis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/cafecomponeis/art/Tasty-Indeed-616066237CafeComPoneis

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Tasty Indeed



Saffron Masala is my newest waifu, I can't believe myself. GIF My Little Pony - Laugh  
She is a character from "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", from episode "Spice Up Your Life"

Total Time, approx. 8 hours.
Done in PaintToolSai and Photoshop.

Hey there! Come on and check Café com Pôneis on Facebook (It's a page about a brazilian art and animation studio I'm planning for the future, still need a lot to start but, here's the very first step): fb.com/cafecomponeis

I'm accepting comissions, send me a note here or send a message to me on Facebook for more info: fb.com/milescritor
If you feel to, support me on Patreon and help me grow as an artist!  patreon.com/calena
Also, you are welcome to see myself doing those artworks by LIVESTREAM on picarto.tv/calena
Image size
3307x4677px 6.52 MB
© 2016 - 2025 CafeComPoneis
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DivineDesserts's avatar
I thought Saffron might be Mediterranean pony or North African?