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Ventrem Meus Solarium
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  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
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My Bio

Favourite genre of music: Many and Varied
Favourite style of art: Creating..that's it
Skin of choice: Smooth and Supple
Favourite cartoon character: Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent
Personal Quote: "My stomach is my sundial"

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Throne of Blood
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Right now...The Aquabats
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Art...History...Creating...Family and Friends
It's time to open the doors a little more and let the Travellers in!  I've collected the remains of my Traveller book collection and have decided to offer them for sale.  Like my Star Wars offerings, I'm selling them piecemeal.  So this is your chance to fill in any gaps you may have in your own Traveller collection.Just a note:  I got my start in the gaming art industry with Digest Group Publications in their line of Traveller gaming materials.  I have very fond memories of that period in my artistic growth, so it isn't without a twinge of sadness that I part with these books/magazines. I do, realize, however, that they will no doubt go t...
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After getting some solid feedback, I have decided to drop the idea of selling the Star Wars gaming books as a single Lot.  It would've been nice to see them all go to one appreciative soul...but then again...I'm sure the gaming world is chock full of appreciative souls.  The $650 price is too big a hit for most people (as it would be even for myself).Therefore, I will throw open the doors and sell the collection piecemeal. I have already gotten a good offer on the boxed Darkstryder game...but there is a lot more here for the picking. Is there a Galaxy Guide that is missing from your collection? Any of the Thrawn Triology hardcovers?  Feel ...
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Another tax season...and additional tax debt. It's like...trying to swim upstream...against the a river of mud. So I am once again wracking my brain for new ways to keep The Taxman satisfied. As much as I hate to use this Journal for non-creative purposes, I am faced with the fact that this tax situation is a worrisome burden...and it is very much interfering with my ability to create. It isn't my only worry, but it's a biggie.  I've tried the commission route...and selling off original artwork. Both with limited success. So, I have sifted through my belongings in an attempt to find things that others might want to buy.  To be tr...
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Profile Comments 457

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You are my favorite artist from the old Star Wars WEG content :).

Fanoom's avatar

I've been looking at some of the old Star Wars WEG sourcebooks and LOVING the artworks, been following the artists I can find. I kind of feel like we don't see that style anymore, which is a damn shame, thank you!

Shadow-Dragon-777's avatar

You were one of the artists for the EU? I got a lot of questions because that is awesome!


Best wishes to you and yours in these trying times.

Michael V, may 2020 be a good year for you.  Peace and good will.
Hi Mike,

I realize you may not be on DA anymore, but in the off chance you get to see this, I wanted to let you know you are by far my favorite artist in all of the RPG market. Hope you are well!
Wishing you and yours all the very best in the new year! (^_^)