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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Traditional Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 16 years
  • He / Him
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (13)
My Bio

I tend to spend my time experimenting with different styles varying between acrylics, Chinese paint, watercolor, pastel, color pencil, and ink. If you have any questions about my approach or "technique"(not sure if I really have one) let me know.

Favourite Visual Artist
Ivan Albright, Bill Stoneham, Beksinski, Giger, many of my friends
Other Interests
The great mysteries still left in this world.
Just started my fourth quarter of college and I've begun working on a new series I've had planned for sometime now. I'm looking forward to the finished product. Another thing, I've had this account for about 2 years now and it just occurred to me that the spelling of fowardentropy is a typo. Never noticed... Funny how things work out.
anonymous's avatar
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Small Break

0 min read
Within the last month I've produced three new paintings. These paintings took around three to four days each to complete. This has all been for a gallery showing I get to take part of in august. Now after some time to reflect I have come to the realization that I don't feel that it took nearly enough time to do this. I feel rather disappointed in myself for not giving more time and effort for each of these works and holding a reckless attitude towards detail. So I'm going to take a few days off from painting to develop a new approach to technique and hopefully create some works which emphasize a greater dedication to my ideas.
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Wrong change

0 min read
Most of us are well aware of the tragic events that plague the world today. Most of which(our fault) may not come to an end anytime soon. Take for instance the disastrous oil spill near the Atlantic ocean at the tip of the U.S.. Yes that big F**cking spill, which if you haven't herd about you are clearly missing out on what may likely be mankind's pinnacle moment of disgrace. As of right now there is close to 3 million(?) barrels worth gracefully spewing forth into the ocean creating and ecological epidemic nearing irreparable proportions. Sure there is people working on ehem....fixing this, but lets be practical here.......    And there i...
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Profile Comments 28

anonymous's avatar
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MittenNinja's avatar
Thanks for the watch!
LFantasy's avatar
thanks 4 the fav :fella:
gerbutal's avatar
thank you very much for :+fav:
tachyon-chaser's avatar
You have a very cool gallery! You should think about using an image editor to bring out the colors and contrast of your work. It makes a big difference because these are often lost in photographs.

Keep painting!
c5n's avatar
Thank you for the support. It has been a problem which has been bugging me for sometime now. Not only are the values and color intensity off, but the details as well. Personally I think a better camera would be a big help.
tachyon-chaser's avatar
New camera could be the answer. I don't have a professional camera but I get by with my Panasonic Lumix which is fairly cheap(refurbished for about $150).

But good stuff, either way :]