Rosalie | Doe | Havenbyrch on DeviantArt

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Rosalie | Doe | Haven



What is that in the back?! A little tail sticking out?! That's what happens when you forget to sketch out a squirrel and are to lazy to put it in XD

I need to update her history and her personality, will do so LATER >: D MWAUAHAHAHAH!

Basic Info

Name: Rosalie (nickname: Rosie)
Gender: Doe
Date of Birth: Spring of Year 750
Height: 9.2 hands
Build: light
Colour: Silver Bay Dun Roan
Genotype: Ee/Aa/nD/RR/ZZ/ff/FWfw
Bloodlines: Pure Glenmore

Personality: Kind // Unassuming // Sensitive // Dreamer // Inquisitive // Self-Conscious // Innocent
Rosalie is a very polite doe, always putting others before herself. Her time in Blackwood, and with Brynmore, has taught her to love even in the darkest times. She absolutely loves her children, and would do anything for them. After her return, she has tried becoming one with the herd, though many hate her for being “tainted” and have rejected her. Being as polite as she is, she keeps away from others now, after learning her lessons with some of the more vocal members of the herd. She craves knowledge of her earth magic, and practices it when she can. Though she misses Brynmore, she is happy where she is. She is scared to make friends, since those who appreciate her company may face the same stigma she does for associating with her. 

Herd: Haven, Glenmore
Rank: herdmember
Mate: Aytan
Offspring: Gilraen-doe (spring 757)
Danzig-stag (summer 758)
Ruben-stag (spring 763)
Roswell-stag (spring 764)
Aspen-doe (twin) (spring 766)
Atiya-doe (twin) (spring 766)
Current Location: Haven, Glenmore
Roleplay Options: Rosalie plot and rp tracker See there for rp

History: Rose's mother was an ambitious doe who had even higher aspirations for her offspring. While not born into the royal harem of does herself, Celine (Rosalie's mother) believed that, if she could have a daughter who would satisfy the king, she too would feel the benefits. So she spent her years grooming herself to be a king's doe and, after finally find a young and impressionable Glenmore soldier who had the genes that would give her what she wanted, she seduced him and found herself pregnant. Celine encompassed herself with well-to-do company and made plans for how she would groom her daughter into a picture so picture that even the king could not deny her. Of course, all of her plans were dashed when, despite having a daughter, her child's coat mimicked her own.

Disgusted with the sire's failure (Celine never took blame for anything upon herself) she lashed out at the poor, young stud and nearly left him to care for little Rose all by himself. However, after some desperate pleading from the stag, Celine kept little Rose, deciding that, even if she were not blessed with a creamy, golden coat, perhaps being well-mannered and extremely polite would appease the king. So, for the next year, Rosalie was taught - rather, drilled - in proper etiquette and was reprimanded severely for any mistakes. Fortunately Rose learned quickly and, when she was a year old, her mother decided to present her to the king.

However, despite being impressed with how well-mannered and polite Rosalie was for such a little fawn, he declined. With her last bit of hope for Rose smashed and humiliated before the king, she took Rosalie deep into Glenwood, hiding her away from the world where she told the gullible fawn to stay, promising to return in the morning. Dutifully, the daughter stayed and waited for her witch of a dam, playing make-believe with the trees and generally being too young to understand. However, that was the last Rose ever saw of her mother. The woodland creatures, somehow sensing Rose's youth and innocence, partially took over raising her. The rabbits taught her what foods were safe to eat, while the birds showed her the quickest routes through the forest. The squirrels were her playmates and fastest companions, constantly grooming her and showering her with encouraging words and exchanging stories.

And so she lived for years, every so often coming upon another Fawnling although, over time, even then she began to avoid being found. When she turned three, she began to notice the grass growing greener beneath her feet and, with the knowing advice of an owl, threw herself into learning as much as she could about her new-found power. To this day she lives deep within Glenwood, living more in her imagination than in reality.

And then, a tall, dark, handsome stag appeared in the middle of winter. He swept her off her hooves, and spirited her away to Blackwood. She fell in love with him as she grew to know him, and grew closer to him with their first fawn Gilraen. They were now linked together forever.

They had another fawn, Danzig. And then, disaster split the family apart. A glenmore Guard, Aytan, had come to the border where they had been staying. Defeating Brynmore, he whisked her back to Glenmore with her children. She believes her old mate had died from his wounds, and after the years, the pain has subsided, enough that new roots of love could grow.

Sept 15 update- She has moved with Aytan to Haven with Dru and company

Relationships: Lists all her relationships

Skill Points

speed: 7 BASIC
stamina: 10 BASIC
strength: 0 [Cap of 5] BASIC

Magic: 35  ADVANCED (APPROVED MASTER!! just gotta wait till she is of age)
Herb: 3 BASIC

Experience: 0

Break Down

+7 speed - base bonus
+3 stamina - base bonus
+11 starter bonus (went to Magic)

At Rest
+1 Magic - art - At Rest
+2 Stamina - collab lit - 400-999 words - At Rest

Feel the Sun
+1 Magic - art - Feel the Sun

Juniper berries and upset tummies
+1 herb lore - art - Juniper berries and upset tummies

Helping the Young
+3 (2 magic, 1 herb lore) - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - Helping the Young

Miir Meets Rosalie
+1 stamina - art - Miir Meets Rosalie
+4 (3 magic, 1 herb lore) - collab lit - 2000+ words - Miir Meets Rosalie

Bring Mich Nach Haus
+1 magic - lit - 400-999 words - Bring Mich Nach Haus

The Road Back
+4 stamina - collab lit - 2000+ words - The Road Back

Life under snow
+3 magic - collab lit - 2000+ words - Life under snow

Spring Magic
+1 magic - art - Spring Magic

Of Flowers
+4 magic - collab lit - 2000+ words - Of Flowers

Love Among the Dying Leaves
+3 magic - lit - 2000+ words - Love Among the Dying Leaves

Peasant Magic
+3 magic - collab lit - 1000-1999 words - Peasant Magic

Memory Glen
+1 magic - art - Memory Glen
+1 magic - lit - 400-999 words - Memory Glen


Winter of 756 Expectations: Rosie meets Brynmore, and goes away with him to Blackwood
Early Spring of 757 Feel the Sun: On the way to Blackwood, she finds a sunny spot to bask in
Early Spring of 757 At Rest (lit) At Rest (art): She and Brynmore stop for a rest on the border, she learns of his mother and starts caring for him more
Spring of 757 Ghosts and Blood (makes an appearance): She was fought over
Spring of 757 Of Sunbeams and Starlight: Her first daughter Gilraen is born
Late Spring of 757 Juniper berries and upset tummies: Has an upset stomach, and finds some berries to help her pain
Early Summer of 757 Helping the Young: Finds a young Oakfern fawn, helps her get home again
Summer of 757 Confessions: Brynmore tells her of the deal he made with the king at that time
Winter of 757 Please Don't Leave: After Brynmore returns from a raid, Rosie has him make a promise he can't keep
Winter of 757 Miir Meets Rosalie: Rosie meets another pregnant doe from another kingdom, and bond together
Summer of 758 Summer Cleaning: Rosie prepares the den for the new baby
Summer of 758 Pale Thunder: Rosie's first son Danzig is born
Summer of 759 Bring Mich Nach Haus: Rosie feels a strange feeling of peace and home come over her
Autumn of 759 The Vacation The Vacation art: Rosie and her family go off to her and Brynmore's special place for the rut
Autumn of 759 The Road Back: Returns to Glenmore with Aytan and her children
Autumn of 759 Re acquainted: Rosie learns what has happened in Glenmore since she had left from Aytan
Spring 760 Spring Magic (art): Rosie practices her magic
Summer 760 Of Flowers: Rosie meets the Lady Mor, and learns more about magic
Late Summer 760 A mothers care: Rosie meets someone unexpected
Autumn 760 An Act of Kindness: After a run in, Rosie is saved by a Guard member
Autumn 760 Love Among the Dying Leaves: Rosie and Aytan sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Winter 760 All too Much All Too Much art: Rosie learns of Lia's death and comforts Aytan
Autumn 762 A Proposal and An Answer: Aytan asks Rosie the BIG QUESTION, and she gives him an answer (cough, yes, cough)
Autumn 762 Peasant Magic: Rosie runs into a grumpy royal stag, and reminded of her place
Autumn 762 Flight to Sanctuary: Rosie and company run away from the main herd during crazy Dru events, and find the group
Spring 763 Reminders: Rosie thinks about and misses Aspen her squirrel
Spring 763 Worries: Rosie has a nightmare and grows closer to Aytan
Spring 763 Memory Glen: Rosie brings her flowers and her mind some peace
Spring 764 Baby Talks and Kicks: Rosie tells Ruben that he will have a sibling soon, much cuteness abounds
Autumn 765 'Neath the Willow Tree: Rosie and Aytan, at it again

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© 2015 - 2025 byrch
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DodgerMD's avatar
Looking absolutely stunning, Rosie! *3*