Butterfly-Hime's avatar


Remember: believe in yourself
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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
  • United Kingdom
  • Deviant for 14 years
  • She / Her
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (169)
My Bio

I Speak English by ClockworkStamps Disney fan stamp by Bea-Gonzalez Self taught artist - stamp by Eirene86 Marvel Stamp by CrimsonFlames86 Books Stamp by mylastel DC by laselwoo Stamp: I Read Manga by Mahkohime Lolita stamp 2 by HappyStamp Cosplay stamp by HappyStamp The Witcher 3 ~ Ciri by KiraiMirai geralt of rivia stamp by odidos Untitled by Tomb Raider stamp 2 by WhiteDevil350 Yuna: Sending :: Stamp by Saphitri melanie martinez crybaby stamp by hypsistamps Ellie Goulding Stamp by FireworkProdz MCR stamp by silverthehedgehog78 Wales Stamp by phantom Welsh Flag Stamp by l8 French stamp by prosaix French 3 by Faeth-design Stamp: German Language Beginner by MafiaVamp

Current Residence: Wales
Personal Quote: Remember: believe in yourself

I'm Back

0 min read
Hi everyone, So it's been a while since I really did anything with DA as I've mainly focused on Facebook. However, I'd thought I'd thought I come and see the lovely world of DA again.  I've been keeping myself busy with all my cosplay making and whatnot, so I can't wait to show you guys the results.  What to except now I'm back? I'm hoping to upload at least one picture a week and a tutorial whenever I can.Cosplays Kat - DmC Devil May Cry (Retired) Sakura Haruno - Naruto Shippuden (Retired) Maka Albarn - Soul Eater (Retired) Elsa (Earth Version) - Frozen (Retired) Bilbo Baggins (Female Version - The Hobbit Legolas - The Hobbit  Leafeon (fa...
anonymous's avatar
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Hi everyone, So I realise that I'm not overall active on this account. that will change. First and foremost I have been rather busy making new cosplays, work and drawings. secondly i'd like to start doing monthly features. these features will show you all who my favourite artists are, who inspires me the most. Who know you may be one of them. thirdly, at the end of October I will be going to mcm london comic con. Who else is going as i'd love to meet you all ^^ Well that's it for the time being. I'll start gathering my artist to show you and hopefully will have more artwork to show you. till then follow me on my other network sites.www.fac...
anonymous's avatar
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Hi there watchers. I realise I haven't really been posting a lot ... well not new stuff anyway. I am working on some new stuff which I hope to upload in the future but for sneak peeks as my works and quick process/tutorials on how to do them. Follow me on my other pages. Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/#!/ButterflyHime2 Instagram Page - http://instagram.com/butterflyhime1 Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/1ButterflyHime Tumblr - http://butterfly-hime.tumblr.com If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in the future please let me know and I'll see what I can do. much love :iconbutterfly-hime:
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Profile Comments 910

anonymous's avatar
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duanenicholsart's avatar
Thank you for adding "Avengers_pinup" and "Thor, When Lightening Strikes" to your favorites.

                                 Avengers_pinup by duanenicholsart                Thor, When lightning strikes by duanenicholsart  
Butterfly-Hime's avatar
you're very much welcome!
AdmiralDeMoy's avatar
:wave: Thanks for the Loki fave! Aww 
Butterfly-Hime's avatar
You are very much welcome.
Fantastic work :heart: