Neglect, Temper and FuryBurntShady on DeviantArt

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BurntShady's avatar

Neglect, Temper and Fury



so i drew Breezepelt because im not feeling very well idk dont ask me
So you see i actually had a little idea behind this, because the colored shadows represent different cats and stuff. The blue shadow, neglect, is Crowfeather. The yellow shadow, temper is Nightcloud. The red shadow, fury, is Brokenstar

and that little black shadow to his left is his future, and its all dark cause its ruined and stuff but it was intended to just be a shadow but ehhhhhhh symbolism
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800x1280px 193.09 KB
© 2017 - 2025 BurntShady
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Tackysummer's avatar
The different colors actually being different cats is awesome