Hi guys! Ummmm sooo I haven't submitted any pieces in more than a year. Wow. I have a bunch of traditional pieces but I don't know if I wanna submit all of them cause they don't really look the way I want them to...But yeah, uh, I graduated high school last Wednesday so that was pretty interesting. It doesn't feel like i graduated at all LOL. Like....I'm never going to public school again (unless I go to a public uni for grad school)...If any of ya'll are still alive I hope you've been doing well!! (⑅´•⌔•`)*✲゚*。 (as you can see, I've discovered some sick Japanese emojis) I think I'm going to try and organize my gallery. It's really weird ...
Tagged by the the adorable :iconbboobear: c: 1) what's your name?
Bonita 2) and do you know why you were named that?
My mom wanted a name that started with B ;; 3) are you single or taken?
Taken by a violin playing loser. I guess hes kinda cute ╮(─▽─)╭
4) any abilities or powers
I could probably fart on demand if I wanted to. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
5) stop being a mary-sue!
No thank u 6) what's your eye color?
Brown like your digestive remains 。・:*:・゚’ฺ☂ฺ(。・ˇ∀ˇ・)ノ ○o。+..:* 7) how about hair color?
Black/really dark brown. Whatever floats your boat. 8) have you any family members? 2 million children across the globe
9) oh? how ...
I know I haven't been very active lately and I prooobably won't be super active any time soon because school starts on Monday for me and since it's my senior year I have to apply to colleges and other poopy not fun stuff but that aside:Any of ya'll got an Instagram? Mine's bunnybonbons. I post stuff there a lot more often, so if you're interested in seeing my shitty photography and overly processed photos of my traditional doodles, then, yeah that's where you'll find me http://instagram.com/bunnybonbons(・θ・)Tell me your usernames so I can follow you
SORRY FOR BEING SO LATE TO REPLY BUT YEAH LOOOL IT GETS SUPER STRESSFUL (just make sure you're on top of everything...don't procrastinate because thats very VERY bad)