Favourite Movies
Beauty and the Beast, anything Disney, The Hunger Games Series, RomComs, and Marvel movies
Favourite TV Shows
Once Upon A Time, The Black List, Grimm, Big Bang Theory
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Michael Buble, Casting Crowns, Taylor Swift, Sara Barellies, Colbie Caillat, and Ingrid Michaelson
Favourite Books
The Hunger Games Series, Divergent series, The Host, and The Fault In Our Stars
Favourite Writers
Veronica Roth, John Green, Susanne Colins, Stephenie Meyers
Favourite Games
Disney Infinity, Minecraft, Mario Kart, and Super Smash Bro. Brawl
Other Interests
Art, Facebooking, Reading, Netflixing, Baking, and Pinteresting!!!!