I like shortsBummerForShort on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/bummerforshort/art/I-like-shorts-274925905BummerForShort

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BummerForShort's avatar

I like shorts



I spend most of my strips pointing out ludicrous details or whimsical mechanics within these games, but some times, I crave for something more. To go deeper beyond the surface, speak of the structures hiding below, and ellaborate on the very history this bizarre world has accumulated in its quest to become what it is.

Until that time comes, have this strip instead.

Pre-battle quotes has always been a minor source of entertainment while playing, with some being appropriate, some untopical, and some just plain confusing. In a place where everyone could be a trainer with terrible communication skills, any greeting could be a challenge, so it's only obvious that experience will have to take its toll eventually on our main protagonist. Unless it's the opposite situation, where the player simply replies to every conversation by throwing his pokémon onto the field, forcing the same response. But I disgress.

It's been a good while since I've made a wordy strip, so pardon if the arrangement of the text boxes may be imperfect. And in case any of you wonder, slapping people with gloves is the only true way of challenging someone to a duel, leaving any other method unworthy of the situation.


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"They're comfy and easy to wear."