Support Human ArtistsBullerThePirate on DeviantArt

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EDIT: Why is this popping up on your front page? Because it's been receiving HYPE badges. If you're rude in the comments, you'll be blocked.

I've not been very vocal about my opinion on AI, but I'm gonna join this wave. I don't support it. I don't judge anyone for using it and I'm not against anyone wanting to make art in a different way: I'm against the system and the way AI currently works. Not mad at the people. Mad at the system.

Obviously you're entitled to you own opinion and if you disagree, that absolutely fine. It doesn't change how I think about any of you. I won't start any arguments though, and therefore will not reply to any messages or comments about it. 

However, if you start spamming my other art work about AI, or spam me in notes or chat being disrespectful, I WILL block you without hesitation.

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960x1012px 66.54 KB
© 2022 - 2025 BullerThePirate
AlRowe65's avatar

I admit i've many experimenting AI in some specific images, only in photographic context. I admit it can have some interesting results if you make a portrait, but as a full body portrait, you can have some surprisesing effects.

AI have many limits, if you want to make a writen story about a good AI image, it's can be potable. But if you want to making a comic or a photo romance, have a good luck, like some Beltegusian dialogues 🥴.

AI is only a tool or an image maker,not art. Perhaps for a Photoshop or traditional collage 🙂😎

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