ich bin Christina. Meine Hobbys sind lesen und malen. Ich meditiere auch viel in meiner Freizeit. Meine Lieblingsserien sind Sailor Moon, Doctor Who (alle Folgen vom 10. Doktor) und Bill Nye the science guy. Meine Lieblingsfilme sind Free Willy, Mothra, Star Wars, Mein Freund der Delfin, Titanic und Zurück in die Zukunft.
Hello, I´m Christina. I live in Germany.My avocations are reading, drawing and meditating. My most favourite television shows are Sailor Moon, Doctor Who and Bill Nye the science guy. My favourite movies are Free Willly , Mothra , Star Wars , Dolphin Tale , Titanic and back to the future.
As you can see I like to drawing pics. of Spongebob Squarepants and his friends. Drawing is relaxing for me. Many pictures are finished, I scanned them on weekends and upload it here when I have time.