The Channel States -GreekNapoTL-bryanIII on DeviantArt

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The Channel States -GreekNapoTL-



The Second Map of many depicting the situation of 1840s Europe in my Greek Napoleon TL.
The First map can be found here


As stated on previous maps, because Napoleon was crowned the King of Greeks in 1800 the OTL Directory never was overthrown during the coup of 18 Brumaire leading to a defeat against the Austrians who restored the Bourbon Dynasty. With many Revolutionary leading political and military leaders leaving the restored French Kingdom for Napoleonic Greece, the populace who were too poor to travel and were stuck under oppressive Royalist rule again rose up for a second time. Although returning Paris to Royalist Rule was relatively simple, they had problems regaining control of the edges of the Kingdom; especially in the North, Brittany and Normandy who had become accustom to the equality instead of being run as food production areas of the Aristocrats. The French Kingdom reached out to his neighboring states to help 'deal with the problem' by promising small but reasonable land concessions. Civil unrest died in Brittany and Normandy not long after the first sight of the mighty British Navy because the local populace knew they were no match for a combined French and British attack. Britain saw this as a change to get back some former Medieval possessions and was granted the Calais and the Cherbourg areas. Cherbourg, unlike Calais, was made a 4th Crown Dependency in recognition of the shared heritage with Guernsey and Jersey.

With a failed harvest in the Autumn of 1805 the hungry and disgruntled populace rebelled again, only with this time the equally starving army joining the rebellion. By the Winter of 1805, with Royalist Control limited to the Loire Valley with it's castles, the King of France once again cried out for help to his neighbors; who being rather reluctant to go keep the peace in France once again only did so after the promise of yet more land concessions. In the Congres of Orléans, which took place before foreign intervention as to assure favorable conditions, the Dukedom of Normandy was restore. Only a year later France was in state of revolt again after a Orléanist coup d'état in December of 1806 and by April of 1807 they soon had relative controle of everything south of the Loire River. With France in bloody civil war again, the other European great powers regarded France as a lost cause and intervened in June of 1807.

With the Congress of Frankfurt in May of 1809 Britain extended it’s grip on the mainland by expanding the Dukedom of Normandy with the rest of Normandy with added Maine; and the Dukedom was elevated to a Grandduchy. After pointing out Normandy's potential as a naval stronghold Lord Horatio Nelson was made it's first Grandduke; the title was however not hereditary so upon Grandduke Nelson's death the title was awarded to Arthur Wellesley and made hereditary.  British forces also controlled Brittany and Anjou at the time of the Congress of Frankfurt, here British parliament decided on another type of control for those areas. As they had been key area's of civil unrest the fear was that they would also rise up against a British occupation like in Picardy or direct British hegemony like in Normandy, it was instead decided to implement the 'Princely State'-entity already used on the Indian subcontinent. Brittany was thus allowed to form and elect it's own head of state who would pay tribute to the British Crown. the first independent Breton elections were held under British supervision in 1810 and George Cadoudal was elected it's 'Civil Commissioner'. His government, under British incentive, started anti-French nationbuilding focussing on Celtic culture and Breton language; prompting a defrenchification of the South-Western areas. 
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Is this to be continued further around Europe (just seen the 'Modern Day'/2040s Italy map, as it is very impressive work mate, and it would be interesting to see both the finished composites of Europe, and how a Napoleonic Greece has affected the rest of the world in 1840, the age of Empires (1900s-1920s, and the modern day.

Best of luck and happy holidays I guess heh.