Ginormica AttacksBryan-Lobdell on DeviantArt

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Ginormica Attacks

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Lg Commission Stamp by ChaosKomori

3 dollar commission for anonymous! Wanted Ginormica

lol I should have known my first one would be something like this.

What if Ginormica was evil....probably would have been a better movie.

Edit: I figured this was the very first request I got so why not color it. I'm just experimenting with a few different techniques and styles in coloring on these, so there done rather quickly.

My other Ginormica fan art BOB and Ginormica Make A Porno by Bryan-Lobdell

Ginormica A.K.A Susan is (C) to Dreamworks

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800x1246px 990.43 KB
© 2010 - 2025 Bryan-Lobdell
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BlackIceLord's avatar

Ginormica was One Of My Favorite Character As A Kid