Purpose: In regards to :devmasculinebeauty: monthly features will be posted so these artists can gain exposure outside of the group.If you like what you see you can always watch :devmasculinebeauty: or simply just comment or favorite the specific deviations you like here.If you're wondering why male photography? Just go to the front page , at the left choose 'Photography,' then choose 'People & Portraits' and tell me what percentage of male photography you see._________________:iconmasculinebeauty:_________________Previous Articles:Masculine Beauty
I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII | VIII | IX | X | XI | XII | XI...
I thought about, that spring is very close to me.
And so i'll try to find my inspiration in something beautiful.
So if u want to see new photos from me, please post me the best photo of February in u opinion.
U can post everything that u want :3Also u must listen to this band heh.
love it love it love ithttp://s52.radikal.ru/i135/1102/af/d229a53a9cd8.jpg