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A dream within a dream
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Professional
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (196)
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
My Bio

This is me surounded by what I do in my room. the whole place, walls ceiling stacks have art everywhere. Picture was taken by Adam Beastman Glen an amazing photographer

Current Residence: London England
deviantWEAR sizing preference: L
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Metal
Favourite photographer: Jerry Uelsmann, Adam the Beastman
Favourite style of art: Tattoo realism, Surrealism, Digital Futuristism,
Favourite cartoon character: Homer Simpson
Personal Quote: Dont live in Regret.

Favourite Visual Artist
Bob tyrrell, Cecil Porter, Shige, H R Giger, Shaun Barber, Horyoshi, and Dali
Favourite Movies
Shawshank Redemption or Montey Python quest for the holy grail
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Disturbed, Johnny Cash, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Little Richard
Favourite Books
The Painted Man, Among thieves
Favourite Writers
Jean paul Satre, Peter V Brett
Favourite Games
Final fantasy series, cant beat them
Tools of the Trade
Tattoo machine, airbrush. pencil, paint brush, Computer, Digital Tablet and my bare hands
Other Interests
Art, Tattooing, Motorbikes, photgraphy, Music, living life without regrets.
Seems like for ever since I've update this. Been busy on other projects and working, tattooing like crazy. But figured I start uploading again and seeing how Ive been into the anime/manga style figured I'ld have ago an see what everone thinks(to the left should be a pic of the latest attempt, if not meh means I did something else lol. Also currently working on two books, a Tattoo flash book with designs and surpisingly a childs book. Cant say to much incase the idea gets stolen but should be cool. Will say more about it when I can but for now. Will be doing a feature for the new year, will set up a forum thingy for that but if theres any p...
anonymous's avatar
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Rock n' Rolla

0 min read
Hey you lot, thought I'ld do an update you ya. Firstly still workin hard as usual but got to admitt really enjoying it at the moment, been a crazy few months, tenerife holiday(was madness), new tattoos, have started to workout seriously aswell, kinda rndom quick fact that was pretty cool I thought. through the working my wieght has been changing and strangely enough on friday the 13th I wieghed in at 13st 13pd(pure muscle of course.......well mostly muscle) a stupid fact but one I happen to like. Other then that just rockin and rollin as usual.Got another feature for you to enjoy here. show them some love:thumb196944738:  :thumb102782650: ...
anonymous's avatar
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What a crazy few months, lots of up and downs but the good definatley outwieghs the bad. Holiday coming up 10 days in tenerife! gona be crazy and I should be have one of my dragon designs going on the cover of bruce lee Mania magazine! very cool I know lol.Also I've been doing quiet afew speed painting videos and putting them on youtube, dont know if you've seen them but check them out and if you've got a youtube account feel free to add me or subcribe, hell do both if you want its all very much appriciated.heres my youtube and some of my video links:youtube: Reegan video: http://www...
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LidiaVives's avatar

thx for the fav! :D <3 

if you like my work you can follow me on:

INSTAGRAM: @lidiavivesphoto


Santa-Fiasco's avatar
your art is awesome
Wess4u's avatar
Thaks for the watch and have a nice day
Ovechi's avatar
Yeah.. someone is trying to sell your work.
FelisRandomis's avatar…
Someone is attempting to sell prints of your art
foxwafflesdraws's avatar
Welcome to :iconthedragons-den:! Thank you so much for joining and I hope you enjoy yourself ^^ You're such a wonderful artist, I especially love your Dragon in the Clouds!!