Ohayou GozaimasuBrokenDeathAngel on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/brokendeathangel/art/Ohayou-Gozaimasu-430822286BrokenDeathAngel

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Ohayou Gozaimasu

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Good Morning!

I love waking up to a new day. I can't understand why some people hate waking up in the morning. I can't wait to get the day started. Think of all the new things you can do when you wake up to a brand new day! All the exciting adventures and fighting alien baddies from outer space and yummy breakfast! Can't forget breakfast!

After a quick morning shower, I usually check up on my brothers first, just to see if they're awake. It's a habit of mine. I've been doing it since... forever I guess? It's pretty interesting to see the first thing that they do when they wake up in the morning.

The first person I'll check up on is my eldest bro Leo. He's a morning person too. And when I say he's a morning person, I mean he's a "waking-up-at-5 a.m.-sharp" kinda person. Yeah. Even I'm not that type of a morning person. Every morning, I will find him meditating in his room. He says he enjoys meditating early in the morning since it's the only time the Lair gets a prolong period of peace and quiet. Once everyone's awake, finding a moments peace in the Lair is pretty much non existent. I totally can't argue with that.

Personally, I just don't get the appeal in meditating. It's so boring, sitting perfectly still, doing nothing. Just thinking about meditating makes me want to run off and do something exciting, like rooftop skateboarding for example. Although I'm not a fan of meditation, I do love to watch Leo meditate. He looks so peaceful and calm when he's in the 'zone', quiet different from his normal behaviour. He's often full of self-doubt and worry. He tries his best to hide it from us but sometimes it shows. I hope that one day he will find his inner strength and calm 'cause he totally deserves it.

"Ohayou, Mikey."

Opps! I've been caught!

"Morning, Leo! Breakfast in twenty! See ya!"

Welp! Time to move on to my next brother, Raph. Raph can be pretty... weird... in the morning. I will usually find him awake most morning. Rolled up like a big fat burrito made out of blanket. But the thing is, he's awake... but not really awake? It's like his body is rearing to start but his mind is still somewhere in dreamland. Like one of Donnie's super old computer, slowly rebooting. He just lays in bed for a stretch of time (the longest was twenty two minutes and sixteen seconds. Yes, I kept time.). Eyes all glassy and blank. Staring into nothing. Creepy.

The only way you can get him out of his weird stupor is to physically toss him out of bed (which is not a good idea because I always end up with a bruise somewhere on my beautiful person) or wait for him to get out of his weird whateveritis-state himself (which takes freakin' forever!). Oh, yeah! I forgot! There's also this one other way. I call it the 'Spike Wake-up Call' way. Just let Spike wake Raph up. Really. It totally works! Just get Spike close to Raph, and he will do all the work. The result is super adorable too (Aww... look at that happy smile!). That turtle is one smart little dude. I think the only thing that can control Raph is Spike. Oh, and Master Splinter. But Spike wins by a landslide. Definitely.

Okay! Better move on now. Last but not least, my dear brother Donnie. Donnie is definitely not a morning person. Donnie often falls asleep in his lab as he's always up all night doing nerdy-geeky stuff. All that night time tinkering causes him to lose a lot of precious sleep time which in turn, makes him super cranky in the morning. Plus, sleeping in that uncomfortable position definitely boosts his crankiness level to the max.

"Psst! Hey, Donnie. Time to wakey-wakey! Rise and shine and dine!"


Urgghh... I do not enjoy waking Donnie up. At all. I rather wake Raph up and get a bruise or two instead of waking Donnie up and get a concussion or two. Sleeping at the lab is advantageous to Donnie as he has all these mean and heavy looking equipments around him to use as a weapon. This one time, he threw a SV540-0222 18hp Courage Vertical 1" x 3 5/32" Shaft, OHV, ES, Oil Filter, 15 Amp Alternator, Fuel Pump Kohler Engine at me and lemme' tell ya', the result wasn't fun. I had to eat out of a straw for two days straight. It was torture! Two days without pizza chomping. I almost killed myself to end my pizza-less-life suffering.

Luckily, I have found one fail-proof technique to wake Donnie up in the morn'. It was so simple! I sometimes wonder why I didn't think of the idea sooner! The answer is: Coffee. Tons and tons of pure, black coffee! Just shove it under his nose and BAM! Insta-wake! 'Though I just couldn't wrap my head as to why Donnie likes this coffee stuff. I've tried it and it's just pure ick!

"Donnie~! Look-y what I got! Yummy-yummy fresh coffee~!"


"Do you want it?"


Ah, well. At least it helps Donnie to function properly in the morning. No more repeat performance of the 'engine-throwing' kind. Gotta' be thankful for that.

Whew! Now that's done. Breakfast time! I do love a good morning. 

- Mikey


Herp-a-derp-derp! I wrote... stuff. WHAT?! *dies*

P.s.:- Excuse the horrific grammar, spelling, sentence structure... EVERYTHING! *dies again*
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