Fall from the skyBrilliantWings on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/brilliantwings/art/Fall-from-the-sky-1142440127BrilliantWings

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BrilliantWings's avatar

Fall from the sky




Here is one of my works that I drew casually as scene for the story of one of my books (it is not published and is only in Polish).

The main character returns back to her family and her real home, but then a certain ,,friend” of her family hits her with strong magic and she falls out of the window breaking it, but her friend/ lover jumps after her to save her.🐦‍🔥✨

In life sometimes we have moments when we fall into the abyss because of our problems, most often we think that we are alone with this, but in the most situations there is a moment when someone will catch us and save us. And even if not someone we ourselves will grab a protruding branch and climbs up and save ourselves. I am writing about this because I often see people waiting for someone to rescue them from hard situations, and someone may or may not come. There is nothing wrong with seeking support but sometimes we should find the courage and strength to ask for help, because It is the first serious step to get out of our problems.🦋🐦‍🔥

I love my dad’s saying when I don’t have the strength or motivation to face failure. My dad always tells me ,,If you fall, get up, and If you can’t, lie down, rest and then get up and move on” this means that you don’t always have to get rid of difficulties right away, sometimes It’s worth giving yourself time and energy.💪🏻😁

I hope that the holidays and the new year have been wonderful for you and I wish you a lot of motivation, positive minds and fulfilment of your dreams this year.✨🦋

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