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BrightWatcher37 on DeviantArt
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Character Vladimir HarkonnenLocation Arrakis, Dune
Ladies and gentlemen... this is the shot that made me gasp and go "THAT'S IT I HAVE TO READ THESE BOOKS."
I've started the first book and so far I'm really grateful I have the movie in my mind. The politics are already heavy and while I read hefty fantasy books, it's a lot of information frontloading the story. It's very clear writing though and I'm excited to learn the secrets of this universe.
I've started the first book and so far I'm really grateful I have the movie in my mind. The politics are already heavy and while I read hefty fantasy books, it's a lot of information frontloading the story. It's very clear writing though and I'm excited to learn the secrets of this universe.
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3400x2000px 8.09 MB
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My Arrakis. My desert. My dune