I'm just a guy who once upon a time wanted to be a comic book artist problem is, once upon a time never went away and now the fire is burning more than ever.
Luckily now i'm in a position where i can devote a ton of time and energy into this dream of mine, at least to see how far it can take me if nothing else it gives a big man child a chance to sit around all day and draw pictures all day.
I've been very fortunate to be allowed to hang out with a great group of guys who are professionals in the industry and by watching them and listening to the help they have been kind enough to offer i hope to continue to get better and hopefully make this dream a reality. (thank you guys by the way)
If you like my shit then become a watcher, if you hate my shit then tell me why so that i may get better, either way thanks for checkin it out.
Hi, have you received my message in the chat? :)
Do you role play?