Emerald Dragon - ReferenceBrassDragon on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/brassdragon/art/Emerald-Dragon-Reference-97534811BrassDragon

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Emerald Dragon - Reference



Coloured pencil and 3 green pens, 2008 Sept 10. (*silently sniffs about the murdered colours*)

Now then....
This would be the second of 5 or 6 gem dragon references. (Still got to decide whether I make a gem draggie of my own, the ruby one, because D&D seems to lack it... O.O) The idea as with the amethyst dragon came from the fact that I didn't like the Monster Manual II illustrations that much (although the emerald one I still found quite okay). So. There you go, enjoy the green shininess! ^.^

Emerald dragons are charismatic and are the keepers of vast amount of knowledge, usually knowing almost everything of interest in the region they live in. They are also very distrustful towards visitors, almost paranoid, but most likely they will just hide and watch the intruder until he/she would do something provoking (stealing from the treasure hoard or attacking the wyrmlings).

Unlike amethyst dragons, they are driven by strict order and discipline, but they are not swayed by morality (good) or any form of malice (evil). In D&D terms, they're Lawful Neutral.

They prefer living in the cones of extinct (or rarely, still active) volcanoes, or close to some form of civilization (but not too close so the population would disturb them).

Criticism is welcome as usual.

Ruby Dragon - Reference by BrassDragon Amethyst Dragon - Reference by BrassDragon Sapphire Dragon - Reference by BrassDragon Crystal Dragon - Reference by BrassDragon
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1428x1033px 240.47 KB
© 2008 - 2025 BrassDragon
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GreenTaureau's avatar
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Overall
:star::star::star::star-half::star-empty: Vision
:star::star::star::star-empty::star-empty: Originality
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Technique
:star::star::star::star::star-empty: Impact

I love coming across fellow traditional dragon artists! The color is what got me to notice this piece; although it's only various shades of green, the shading is very nice and it honestly doesn't need any other colors. It's natural! The mixture of pen and colored pencil worked out pretty great as well. Simple, but effective utensils when used in the right hands.

As a whole the anatomy is good, but a few points could be fixed in the future. The neck looks a bit thin, especially to support such a heavy head (remember the longer the neck is, the heavier the head will become). While I do enjoy the shape of the torso, it's a bit extreme anatomy-wise. The abdomen where all the digestive organs would be should be a bit thicker and more muscular to look more realistic. The legs, head, and wings look great, especially the musculature at the shoulder blades.

Another thing to be conscious of with traditional art is to try and fit the whole picture on the page. It's definitely difficult, I struggle with it too! Sometimes I wish I could just copy and re-position my work on paper like digital artists can! My advice would be to make sure you're confident in your sketch before making the lines official. I think this piece would definitely look better if it was centered and we could see the whole dragon.

Constructive criticism aside, you're absolutely a great artist. I've checked out your more recent work and wow you've already gotten better! Consider me inspired.