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Oh hellz to the no!
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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
Delicious Cake: My, that's a delicious cake (1)
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (49)
My Bio

My account for nonfakemon art and comics:

I have a lot to do. I looked through my fakemon sketches and it turns out that I have 704 completed fakemom, with names and types. I also have a ton of ideas for new ones, totaling 900. It's going to take a really long time to redraw, upload, and sprite all of them! I have 6 regions planned in total.

Regions complete:
-Terranova AKA Crimson and Clover Version (135/150) - this region is based off of my University with my friends inhabiting it
-Argonyte AKA Obsidian and Mica Version (0/150) - this is going to be my Steampunk based region
-Celestia AKA Yin and Yang Version (0/150) - this region is loosely based off of Imperial Asia
-Valhalla AKA Asgard and Hel Version (0/150) - this will be my Northern/European/Winter based region
-Mindsend AKA Moon and Sun Version (0/150) - this is a futuristic region
-Calypso AKA Garnet and Peridot (1/150) - this will be my islands/African based region (though the fakemon will not necessarily reflect this)

Fakemon Completed:

- Sprite requests are OPEN! Look at my most recent sprites to see my work - I improved a lot since I started my fakedex. Let's say 80 points a sprite. Message me with which fakemon you want sprited and send me the 80 points. All specify if you want 12 colors (like for a game hack) or infinite colors (which will look nicer but not fit into a game hack).
- I'd rather not work with anyone to complete a dex. I like working by myself, using my own ideas and art.
- I love hearing feedback. Critiques and such are great! Also please favorite the ones that you all like so I can get an idea of which styles and types are most popular and well-drawn.
- I'm around deviantart a lot! So I'll probably get annoying, constantly giving feedback to other people and posting my own images in groups nonstop. I also sometimes deviate drunk. It's fun. I assure you I'm a friendly drunk so you'll receive nice things!

Other: My favorite animals are deer, bulls, foxes, goats, and squid!

Favourite Movies
Fight Club; Harold and Maude; Y Tu Mama Tambien; Sita Sings the Blues
Favourite TV Shows
Arrested Development; Parks and Recreation; Modern Family; mostly comedies, not big on drama
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Vampire Weekend; Sufjan Stevens; Cold War Kids; lots of Indie music
Favourite Books
A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry; House of Spirits by Isabel Allende; God of Small Things
Favourite Writers
David Sedaris, Isabel Allende
Favourite Games
Pokemon; Heavy Rain; Super Smash Bros; Mario Party
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
colored pencils
Other Interests
sewing, cross-stitching, tae kwon do, reading
Much thanks to LevelDasher :iconLevelDasher: for the premium membership! (He's a friend in real life and one of the main trainers in my fakemon fan game). If you like video games, MLP, or cartoons, check out his art! He's also writing a fanfiction.What this means for fakemon artists and friends: all points I receive will go towards hosting contests and giving points back! Which means commissions will still be open, but be reduced in price (except not so much for large pixel art, which takes me a damn long time to make). I can do fakemon (or pokemon or animal art) in many different styles. The pricing is based on how long it takes me to mak...
anonymous's avatar
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0 min read
Thought I'd do some commissions, if anyone asks. Why not? I'd like to get a premium account. I can do many types of fakemon art.Sprite: 80 points (specify if you want it to be usable for hack games (12 colors) or not (so I can use more colors)) Sprite example: art: 100 points - digital drawing of your fakemon. Example: art: 90 points - traditional colored pencil drawing of your fakemon. Example: art: 70 points - traditional art in bold comic-style shadi...
anonymous's avatar
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To Do:

0 min read
I have a lot to do. I looked through my fakemon sketches and it turns out that I have 704 completed fakemom, with names and types. I also have a ton of ideas for new ones, totaling 900. It's going to take a really long time to redraw, upload, and sprite all of them! I have 6 regions planned in total.Regions complete: Terranova AKA Crimson and Clover Version (126/150) - this region is based off of my University with my friends inhabiting it Mindsend AKA Moon and Sun Version (0/150) - this is a futuristic region Celestia AKA Yin and Yang Version (0/150) - this region is loosely based off of Imperial Asia Argonyte AKA Obsidian and Mica Versio...
anonymous's avatar
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Profile Comments 160

anonymous's avatar
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hello, i am making an original pokedex fic (basically i expand the entries from a few sentences to a few paragraphs) and i would really like to use your fakemon. is that ok? i would credit you

SylveonCutie's avatar
Hello, Fellow Pokemon/Fakemon Fan! I am currently new to this site and I recently started my experience off with a Pokemon/Fakemon Contest! So, I was wondering if you would like to join it? C: If you wanna check it out it's just right on my front page in the journals section. 
- Sylv.
ToxicWyvern's avatar
Happy Birthday :)
Trueform's avatar
Happy birthday :cake: :party:
LevelDasher's avatar
Happy Birthday!
LevelDasher's avatar
Damn girl, you've been hard at work with those Terranova fakemon!
bootlegend's avatar
Yup! I needed to get the legendaries designed and released since I'm going to be introducing two into the next chapter of the comic!